Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Videos that illustrate the Homosexual Agenda

10 Videos
that shows the broad and varied
Strategies of the Homosexual Community
To Promote Homosexuality

The Same Sex Marriage Issue is but one piece of an overarching strategy to drastically affect the moral and spiritual underpinnings of society. The aim appears to be to completely reorient the sexual morals of society to be accepting and enthusiastic about homosexuality as a normative lifestyle. These videos show varied perspectives on the homosexual agenda.--jte

Watch and examine for yourself!

Inside the Homosexual Agenda (Full Movie)

·         This SHOCKING gripping video details the homosexual agenda. Don’t be fooled. The Same-Sex-Marriage issue does not stand alone in a vacuum. It is one piece of an overarching strategy to significantly influence the moral direction and definition of our country. We need to do a better job of understanding these types of issues today and how they will influence us in years to come. THIS IS NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN WITHOUT PARENT SUPERVISION. What is scary is that though this is dated—somewhat, it was an accurate foreteller of where we are today. So, if we keep the trend, we will have a very different country.

·         Thursday, June 7th at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time. A Conversation with John Corvino, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Wayne State University and Maggie Gallagher, Co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage. Hosted by David Blankenhorn, President of the Institute for American Values. THIS IS AN EXCELLENT DEBATE!

N.W.O Agenda: Homosexual Indoctrination (Part 1)

·         This video details the Hollywood community’s blatant attempt to influence the greater culture through the medium of movies. Note that this movie is not edited for language or content. It does not hold anything back. Again, the Same-Sex-Marriage issue does not stand alone in a vacuum. It is one piece of an overarching strategy to significantly influence the moral direction and definition of our country. We need to do a better job of understanding these types of issues today and how they will influence us in years to come.



Kay Griggs was a Southern divorcee who rented a room to Marine Corps colonel George Griggs in the late 1980s. She was impressed by his clipped manner, his education, and his good looks. Two months later she married him. What she found out about world affairs as George Griggs' wife was astounding. Colonel Griggs was a Marine Corps Chief of Staff, as well as head of NATO's Psychological Operations. He was also, his wife realized, entirely mind-controlled.

Kay, a self-declared Christian, became privy to the real workings of the United States military, leadership training, drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide camps that train professional assassins. These interviews with Pastor Rick Strawcutter of Adrian, Michigan were conducted in 1998, before September 11th and the installation of U.S. President George W. Bush. Kay Griggs' report of world events and the power elite paints a picture that begins to explain the how’s and why’s of our current global scenario.

Quotes from Kay Griggs:
"They took with them the most perverted aspects of Nazi Germany and brought them over to the United States."

"They get rid of the good guys. The Marine Corps are the assassins for the Mob. The military is run by the Mob. The military IS the Mob."

"He told me what they did. They nurture--they cultivate--the sons of prominent families. They're called "rising stars." They rope them in. Then they "turn" them."

This video is from EX ministries and lays out a strong argument for what is happening in America. This is not a political fight, it is wholly spiritual. Those who approach warfare by political means—only are ill equipped to understand and effectively fight the rising tide of immorality and spiritual anarchy raging in the hearts of untold numbers. Note in this video a fairly long discourse by MICHELLE OBAMA on why “we” should support the LGBT platform.

New Study on Gays Ability to Go Straight!

·         This video drops the bomb that details a Christian approach to reorienting one’s sexuality. It can be done and is being done by many.

Former-gay testimony: Former lesbian magazine publisher Charlene Cothran

·         Powerful testimony from a person that was gay and now is straight. This woman speaks too many of the common myths that people believe and are being advocated from well-meaning, but ill-informed people like President Barak Obama and General Colin Powell. Please notice that her conversion to the gay community was accelerated by committed faithful nurturing people who were gay.

Former-gay testimony: Christopher Yuan

·       Awe inspiring testimony of Christopher Yuan, former homosexual. This man was brought to repentance by the faithfulness of his parents. He has written a book called, Out Of A Far Country. His website is . Very moving. He is HIV+. Good website and book for parents and people affected by homosexuality. There are several YouTube videos featuring his story. Also note that this video’s inclusion on this list does not mean that I agree with everything he (or she) says. Please note that his homosexuality was accelerated by drugs. Drug use seems to be a common accelerator to same sexual activity. Why?

Ex-gay testimony: Nathanael Flock

·         This gentleman talks about the thought process of those who are in the gay community. Really thought provoking.

20/20: Gays - Born or Bred?

Can we convert gays? (Apr 24, 1992)
·         This is an older video that details what was at the time a controversial therapy. Today, there is a lot of chatter about whether or not this therapy really works.

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