Thursday, January 26, 2012

2012 Minister's Institute Conference with Photos!

As I mentioned on Sunday (01-21-12), I had a wonderful time in Florida this past week. The time with fellow minister's and friends was a special treat. I am grateful that the Lord provided a way for me to attend and participate. Listed below is a brief overview of the 5 day conference and my thoughts about attending. Next year, I would love to take a large contingency of members from Kennedy Heights.

To begin with, the event was the brainchild of Dr. W.F. Washington. Dr. Washington is the Senior Minister of the Golden Heights Church of Christ. "Billy" as he is affectionately called, is a brotherhood spiritual superstar and close friend to our own Dr. JW Edmerson. Please read the information to get a good sense of the event and its importance in our fellowship. Click here for the MIC link.


Today I arrived in Florida. I left it was 19 degrees in Cincinnati. I had on my pajamas, a pair of slacks and 2 coats. I pulled in to FL to 80 degree weather and not a cloud or snow flake in sight. The sight was beautiful to say the least! After making it to town, I picked up my rental car and headed to the hotel. Typically, Dr Washington chooses really nice properties for the MIC. The Conference was booked at the Renaissance Plantation Hotel. The property was very nice.


Renaissance Plantation Hotel

On Saturday evening, there is usually a big concert. This year was no exception. There was a group from Mississippi, Houston and one of my favorite groups, Revelation from Orlando, FL. The singing was really good. I know a lot of the people because of my work in the music industry in our fellowship. There was about 800 people in attendance on Saturday evening. It was good seeing old friends. This was going to be a great week.

One of the things that I appreciate most about attending National events is that it puts our work at Kennedy Heights in a larger framework. We are not alone. Our problems are common. Our successes are shared. Our spiritual awareness needs to include the men and women who attend Kennedy Heights and the men and women from across our great brotherhood.

I was also reminded by many of the fantastic job that we did in 2007 with the National Lectureship. Many people told me how much they enjoyed themselves and that they wish it could always be held in Cincinnati! I thanked them and thought about the work we did to pull off a National gathering of over 3000 Christians.


Well, today I am wondering if everything will go smooth as planned at home. After talking with a few of the members, my fears were arrested and I was mentally free to drive over to Bro Aldanzo Pratt’s congregation and preach for him. The saints of the Magnolia Park Church of Christ were very warm and hospitable. I had a great time and look forward to bringing Felicia and the kids back. The Pratt’s are some of our closest friends.

After service Brother Pratt took me to Piccadilly’s Cafeteria. The food was great! This particular chain is very common in the south. I behaved and ate a chicken wing and fish. We also saw many members of various churches of Christ in that part of south Florida. There are over 30 different congregations in south Florida. Bro Pratt told me about Alvin Daniels of the Pembroke Church of Christ. The church where he is preaching is doing a great work. They have blossomed into over a 1000 people over the last few years. That is great. (I will have to look into bringing him to Kennedy Heights.)

The Sunday evening program was good. I was introduced to Randall Tucker who is the new minister of the South Union Church of Christ in Houston, Texas. He did a good job. He’s a younger dynamic preacher. Afterward we met. I discovered that he knew me through the Lectureship and my music—over the years. He is a new friend. I enjoyed meeting him and hearing about the wonderful work that God is doing in Houston, Texas.

I also bumped into Kennon Olison. Kennon and I go way back to California in the 80’s. He preaches for the North Tenneha Church of Christ in Tyler, Texas. What makes Kennon special is that he fashions himself to be an Apologist. This means that his ministry is focused toward defending the faith. He has just written a book (that I am reading) on music in the churches of Christ. Buy it by clicking here. We had a great time all week. I look forward to corresponding with him again. Kennon is always on Facebook discussing some aspect of the doctrine of the church.


During the day Monday – Wednesday, most of us attend workshops. Dr Washington schedules top talent from across the Nation. I had the choice of going to Charlie McClendon’s series on Soul Winning. Jeff Caruthers did a series on, “The Church in the Midst of Generational, Societal and Religious Culture.” Jeff preaches for the Carver Road Church of Christ in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Jeff is arguably one of our leading brotherhood theologians. The third choice was Leroy Butler’s workshop series on, “Paul Confronts Culture In The Church.” All three were excellent choices. I spent my time in Jeff’s sessions. They were very enriching. We are right on it with our emphasis on culture at Kennedy Heights.

There is also a Ladies Program hosted by Sister Freeman Wyche. Bro Wyche preaches for the Liberty Gardens Church of Christ in Miami, FL. From what I understand, they had an awesome time too. Hopefully next year, Felicia can come and attend the Ladies sessions.

Other standouts during the week’s day sessions were bro Orpheus Heyward who preaches in Atlanta, Georgia. Orpheus is an Apologist too though he seems to have an interest in the study of biblical languages. He is beginning work on his DMin or PhD this summer. Of all the speakers, Orpheus probably travels the most across the brotherhood. You can listen to him preach by clicking here.

Brother Dr. Cleavon Matthews spoke too. He showed out. My friend preached the word. I was so proud of him to do such an excellent job with such a diverse setting/audience. He represented Ohio well. As you know, bro Matthews preaches for the Northwest congregation in Trotwood, OH and has spoken for us on several occasions.

During the evening sessions, we were treated to some really good preaching. I listened to sermons from Carl Baccus, Los Angeles, CA, AJ Walker, Panama City, FL, Eugene Lawton, Newark, NJRichard Barclay, Atlanta, GASamuell Pounds, Winter Haven, FL and Jack Evans, Jr. They were all excellent. A.J. Walker is 20+ and is a walking bible. He has strong oratorical skills. I would like to get him to come to KH to do something for our Youth. Baccus did an excellent job. He has been preaching at Southside for 55 years.

On Wednesday evening, the Conference closed with a Banquet. This year Dr. Harvey Jackson of Mound Bayou, Mississippi, Dr Andrew Hairston and Dr Carl Baccus were all honored. We closed giving our pledge to the bible*, eating and praying together. Time to go home!

I also enjoyed the late meals with new and old friends. I rekindled my friendship with C Rodney Smith who preaches for the Welch Street Church of Christ In Tyler, Texas. I also met a new friend, Jeremie Flowers who preaches for the East Haven Street Church of Christ in Memphis, TN.


Time to go see Felicia, E5 and Aqua. Fe picked me up from CVG. All is well. I had a great time. I can’t wait to go back next year. Do you want to come?

*Pledge To The Bible…I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy and inerrant Word, and will make it a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path, for it is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe it, for there in is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith, for as it is written the just shall live by faith!


  1. Hey, my husband,

    I am so glad that you were able to spend time with people of your same sensibility!


